Tuesday 23 September 2014

Out with the old and in with the bold.

Having drunk in The Montefiore Arms for the past fifteen years, around three quarters of Andy's tenure, and being assured that the pub would remain largely unchanged, I was a little alarmed when the first thing to occur upon the ensconcement of our new landlord was the removal of Guinness from availability at the bar.
Not a big problem to me, as I really can't be doing with any of those smooth, creamy and thick beers, and it'll certainly save a few bob on the bottles of mostly nitrogen gas which lend the stuff it's thickness, but it was a change none the less.
Though it transpires that Andy was the only one who ever drank the stuff (except on St. Guinness day, when loyal patriots would hold their noses and down a few pints), and that the Liverpool sticker will remain in one of the door windows, even though Andy is their only supporter in the entire Eastcliff of Ramsgate, so as it doesn't seem like the place is being overwhelmed by all things Gadd, with Andy becoming a dim and distant memory.

Phew, eh?

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